
Petőfi's Statue in Shanghai

Here are some photos from the unveiling of Petőfi Sándor's statue in Shanghai's Lu Xun Park. The Chinese poet Lu Xun translated the works of our national poet into Chinese. The poem "Szabadág, szerelem" became very popular in China and they still teach it to children all across the country.
The highlight of the ceremony were Chinese pupils reciting this poem.
Palya Bea performed a few songs with Mr Szokolay Dongó, the "special guests" delivered their speeches, finally the Prime Minister unveiled the statue together with the Governor of Hongkou.
The new statue is well situated in front of the Lu Xun museum. Petőfi is the second foreign poet with a statue in Shanghai (after Pushkin).


Urban Art in Shanghai

They don't have many graffiti taggers in Shanghai. Commercial taggers dominate the walls... They are everywhere.

Shanghai photos

Isn't it beautiful?

Food in China

I don't want to write about Chinese cuisine.
You all know that it is very old, very good, very diverse... blablabla.

I only want to tell you what I had for lunch:
Húsleves és tojásos lecsó egy adag rizzsel.
Broth and a lecsó with a portion of rice.
Real Magyar dishes at a small Uygur restaurant in Shanghai...
I paid 8 RMB, it's 80 Cent, 200 Forint.

In Magyaristan you pay more nowadays.


Hungarian Cultural Season in China

Last Sunday, the “Hungarian Cultural Season in China 2007-2008” had its opening festivities in Beijing.

The aim of this event series is to strengthen Chinese-Hungarian relations and popularizing Hungary as a place for Chinese investments in the heart of Europe.
Since 2004 China is the fifth biggest trading partner of Hungary, the Chinese already made bigger investments such as the Asia Center. There was an article about this topic in Monday's issue of the China Daily.

The first event in the scope of the cultural season was the opening of an exhibition on Kodály Zoltán's life and work at the campus of the Beijing Normal University, mainly organized by the Chinese Kodály Association. As for the fact that the “opening” was held in another building than the exhibition has been set up, I would rather call the event two hours of showmanship mixed with some musical part. It was simply the official part with the focus on the big shots, not so much on the culture.
The cultural part of this event was not so impressive. The best part was a Chinese children's choir performing some Kodály songs. They were very sweet and it was a nice gesture from the Chinese party.
The Hungarian appearance was not so great. The renowned pianist Tamás Vásáry performed well, but that was no surprise. The other Hungarian performer, Ági Szalóki was not a good choice. Still, the Csángó songs she has chosen were very nice, a fact which saved her performance.

The speeches were appropriate to the occasion.
Prof. Dr. Zhong Binglin, the president of the Beihing Normal University, was first, Hungary's prime minister followed. Mr Gyurcsány acted like a good prime minister, his speech was well written and better delivered than I expected. He mainly emphasized Kodály's importance in music history and education.

Only one thing in his speech sounded wrong: “This is the biggest Hungarian cultural event in abroad ever”. That's simply not true.

The second programme on the schedule was the vernissage of an exhibition on Hungarian Gypsy art at the Boyi Gallery. I wrote a seperate article on the exhibition itself. They had live “Gipsy” music, which gave the vernissage a big touch of kitsch... I love folk music, so I liked it.

In the evening a concert was held in the Sun Yat-sen Concert Hall. Mister Vásáry played piano again, accompanied by his wife, the ballett dancer Henriett Tunyogi. There were also a few folk dancers, some operetta actors and a bunch of instumentalists. Szalóki and her friend Beáta Palya were nothing extraordinary.

The positive highlights of the concert were Róbert Farkas (violin, accordion) and Antal Kovács (guitar, vocal). They brought authenticity and cheer to the Sun Yat-sen Hall.

Chinese internet café

At the moment I am sitting in the "East B@r" in Shanghai, an internet café with around 100 computers. Of course they have air conditioning, at least 5 or 6 devices... More surpisingly the owners of this place are also in possession of a several number of cockroaches and less surprisingly they have no English speaking staff.
It is dark in here. One third of the Chinese guys is doing daytrade, one third of them is playing World of Warcraft, the rest is doing "normal" stuff. A temple of China's young internet addicts.
Very interesting.

First impression of Shanghai

Iwas touched by this sight... couldn't help...
I stand there for an hour and watched the lights and the ships on the Huangpu river.

Shanghai shows how Budapest would look without the Demszky-regime.
The neoclassical city center is very similar to Budapest, the modern skyline is the thing our city government withholds from us. But of course Budapest shares the negative aspects of Shanghai: abandoned buildings, homeless people, prostitution.

Air conditioning in China

There is one pretty annoying thing in China: air conditioning.
The Chinese just don't get it - AC is unnatural, unhealthy and a waste of energy.
Air conditioners are everywhere... In two weeks I got two colds, that's not a bad stat.
It's terrible to think about how much energy is wasted through 1 billion Chinese air conditioning systems...
I admire the Japanese for their Cool Biz campaign.
They really need it... A Japanese guy programmed the AC system in our hostel room to produce a temperatur of 12 degree Celsius.


Sok minden és semmi


I moved to a new place, because I needed a change. It was just too comfortable in my hotel... Now I pay five times less than before, but on the other hand I am surrounded by backpackers.

I spent the past few days in 798, often accompanied by Noi Morei or other (street) artists. It is incredible how much they construct there... not only infrastructure, also huge show rooms everywhere. I don't really think that there is the need for so many places, but hey!, China is a big country and it is cheap to make something there.

Tomorrow the Hungarian Cultural Season begins with an opening concert in the Forbidden City. I got a ticket from the Hungarian Embassy. Now I am going to the vernissage of the Anish Kapoor exhibition in 798.

Here are some new pics:


Exhibition - Sin Jin Yuan: "Dolls"

Fu Zi Tang Gallery, North of Long March, 798 Art Zone

2007 August 25 - September 26

On Sunday, I attended the vernissage of an exhibition at the 798 Art Zone featuring works by Su Jin Yuan (his blog can be found here), a fresh graduate from China's Central Academy of Fine Arts.

Su Jin Yuan was born in Fujian; after graduating from the School for Arts and Crafts in his native city in 2002, he continued his studies at the Academy in Beijing. "Dolls" is his first single exhibition. The works displayed at this show are definetely more than appropriate for a debut exhibition at the beginning of a great career in art.

The exhibition is named after the different sized figurines he produces. The sculptures are very expressive, but difficult to describe. Although "Dolls" was advertised as a sculptural show, there were indeed some mixed technique paintings as well.
The works were very much after my fancy: traditional material mixed with today's influence. The tendency of Su Jin Yuan's works is more towards applied arts than toward fine arts, maybe this is a consequence of his former studies in Fujian. I think this is the right direction of contemporary art: focus on the technique, on the way of painting, on objective beauty.

It is sad that we don't know more of that kind of Chinese contemporary art in Europe.
Seeing Su Jun Yuan's works fills me with hope, because his paintings and sculptures show that Chinese contemporary art is not lost.


798 and Chinese contemporary art

I became attached to the 798 Art Zone. I don't want to exaggerate, but it is really nice and has a similar atmosphere as the former Tuzraktar in Budapest, an independent cultural center I was involved in.

There is much to see and 798 is pretty big, so I decided to focus on one part of the district and visit the other parts the following days.

The first surprise was the presence of graffiti. I was already used to the thought that there is no subculture in Beijing, but I was not absolutely right. It's true: there is almost no graffiti in the city, the only mural paintings are sayings of Mao. 798 seems to be an exterritorial place in the city full of tags and throw-ups.

The second surprise was how much the government supports the art district. Of course I don't know the details and I heard a rumour about the close-down of 798, but you can see a lot of construction there, the government is building streets in the district, obviously for visitors during the Olympics next year. The Tuzraktar was not supported by our government at all. The fact that 798 exists for several years means a lot.

Partly I have to revise my opinion on Chinese art life. Still, I stand by my opinion that there is no living subculture in Beijing. There is no artistic self-expression of the people threw the methods of urban art. Alternative contemporary art is in a ghetto situation, as the 798 art district shows.
But: This ghetto situation is definitely better than the average situation in Western countries. In my experience a “Forbidden City of Arts”, an island in the city without the aesthetic control of advertisers and politics, with galleries, restaurants, tea houses, cafés, book stores and alternative fashion boutiques on one place is great. The advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
Especially in such a big country as China it is important to have a center of art, where the different art scenes of the country are able to present their works.

In the meantime, I read some articles about the the art district in Western media. Often the authors criticize the fact that art life in China is so much supported by the government. Now that I have seen the place I can surely tell you that I admire this solution. If I would have to decide between the government and the private economy as a sponsor for my project, I would choose the government. If the government sponsors something, you can see where your tax money goes and you don't have to put ugly adverts anywhere.

In my last entry about Chinese art life I proclaimed quite radical statements about art life in China. Now that I have seen many galleries and spoke to many artists I have to admit: I was partly wrong. There are indeed great contemporary artists in China. I heard that there are several good academies and art schools stressing quality, technique, but also creativity.

Of course cultural exchange is missing, everybody wants to go abroad, but only a very few can, and so on... After all I took a look at the homepage of the Beijing Tokyo Art Projects, one of the most important galleries at 798. It says: "Having closely followed the development of Chinese contemporary art since the late 1980s, Yukihito Tabata set up the gallery with the intention of bringing artists from China, Japan and Korea together and introducing them to a wider audience."
I am happy to read this and I know how important this is, but I still think somebody could do more, and not only on the basis of private business.
My former radical statements are understandable when you look at all the crap we get to see in Europe. The Chinese contemporary art presented for example at this year's Art Basel was just... it is difficult to explain it without using four-letter words.

Anyway, here you have some more pictures from 798 – just to give you an impression:


FBL/ NoiMorei @ 798

At the 798 Art Zone I met the FBL Crew from the southern city of Guangzhou and the Hungarian urban artist Noi Morei. It was an amusing afternoon...